Strategic Moves: How Playing Chess Can Improve Your BJJ Skills

The worlds of chess and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) may seem vastly different at first glance, but a closer look reveals striking similarities between BJJ & Chess. Both require strategic thinking, mental toughness, and the ability to anticipate and counter your opponent’s moves. In this article, we’ll explore how playing chess can significantly enhance your BJJ …

Strategic Moves: How Playing Chess Can Improve Your BJJ Skills

How To Avoid Burning Out When Travelling On A Budget

Travelling around the world is something that not everyone is lucky enough to experience in life. But needless to say it doesn’t come without its challenges, and these challenges can really cause you to burn out quickly, should you not put the appropriate measures in place. So do yourself a favour, and consider some of …

How To Avoid Burning Out When Travelling On A Budget