The Mission

Travelling around the world can be wonderfully addictive, it can be transformative and teach a person things about themselves that they never even gave thought a before, let alone thought possible. But with such a big life event, can come endless questions, a lot of anxiety, and the underlying feeling that it may not be for them.

The mission of Train & Travel is to empower people, enlighten people, and inspire them to get out and chase the dream trip that they’ve fantasised about for the longest time.

Fitness training has been such an integral part of my every day for as long as I can remember, and it’s such an important part of living an enjoyable and healthy lifestyle. But when you’re on a worldwide adventure it can be an easy thing to put on the back burner. The ultimate goal I want to achieve with this website is to share my experience and knowledge of both Training & Travelling, to help people have the best time abroad, whilst also hitting their health & fitness goals, to be the best and fittest version of themselves whilst they absorb the wonders of all corners of the globe.